Thursday, June 19, 2014

New Block: Space-Time Continuum

Finished this one!
I call it "Space-Time Continuum".
It's got one "spoke" for the spatial dimensions, one for the temporal, and one for the other 11 mysterious ones (the magical).
Plus there's a frog.

"Space-Time Continuum"
I'm really happy with how this came out! :)
The colors are strange, but I like it. Will be interesting to see how it jives with the other blocks from this series since they're all away from home on the wall at The City Quilter.

Since time is symmetrical, here's a few pictures of the process... going BACKWARDS!

Pieces for the Space-Time-Frog Continuum are all chopped up!
Colors are selected. Dubious, as always!
"Space-Time Continuum" paper pieces all sliced up!
I will definitely use this shape again!
I'm especially happy with the very slight twist of the center hexagon. I think it's a great example of how a tiny little tweak can add movement, and give it a more original/organic feel.

I can't wait to try it in pastels for my other hexagon project! And when I do, those diamond "spokes" might have to glow in the dark fairy frost. :)

Thanks for reading!

Best regards,

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Beginning in the Middle

Greetings, and thank you for reading!

My plan is to use this blog as a journal of my adventures in (and probably meditations on) quilt-making. I'm also an actor, and I often find myself straying into other mediums as well - I'm sure some of that will find it's way in here too. It might turn out to be a hot mess, but in my experience, art (like some kind of magical bacteria) thrives in hot and messy places - so here goes!

As this is my first blog entry ever, I am tempted to attempt beginning at the beginning, but then, I am immediately overwhelmed and confused; therefore instead of beginning at the beginning, I will begin where I find myself now - the middle.

My current quilting obsession is English Paper Piecing - specifically pieced hexagons. I've been doing some very classic-looking blocks, but my real interest is in improvising new and unusual shapes.

Here's a few blocks that I've recently completed:
Yes, that's my knee in the corner, I had to get up on the cutting counter to take this pic. :)
I've nicknamed this block Oregon Vortex after a very cool place near my hometown. (Firefly Fussycut FTW!)

I designed this block specifically to feature this strawberry print using a technique I've been calling
'Reverse Window Shopping'
If these blocks look familiar, maybe it's because they're currently on display at the City Quilter (NYC) where I'm teaching a class on making blocks like these. I've titled this class 'Hexatopia' - you might notice, 'Hexatopia' is also what I've titled this blog. (Consistency is the cutest among hobgoblins.)

It's my first time teaching ever! (Yikes!) I've definitely learned a lot about teaching (the hard way), but the students are all so positive and supportive, so I'm very much looking forward to our 2nd and final session this Thursday.

That's all for now.
Thanks again for reading!

Best regards,